1757 Woodgate Trail, Oshawa ON L1G 8B3

Ki Drop Therapy Fact sheet

KI - What it is?

Our body is always at work, pumping blood, and circulating lymphatic fluids and oxygen. The Japanese call this flow of energy Ki. A concept that captures the mainstay of one’s life force.

Ki is vitality. Ki cannot be touched or seen, but it is inherently present in all functions of our body. It is the animated force that emanates from our physical, spiritual and emotional bodies. Generally, when our Ki is weak we feel tired and our appetite diminishes. If the weakness persists, our immune system suffers and we become susceptible to illnesses.

Ki Drop Therapy incorporates the application of 13 therapeutic-strength essential oils to help strengthen your immune system, bringing your body into balance.

The following is a list of the Essential Oils that are used during a Ki Drop Session.

Note: addition oils may be used during a treatment depending on the conditions.



Ravensara has stimulating, anti-infectious, antiinflammatory, anti-viral, antibiotic properties. It supports the respiratory and nervous systems, and acts as an anti-depressant. Used for treating herpes, cold sores, chicken pox, measles, colds, flu, bronchitis. A psychic rebalancer. Used along the spine to break psychic ties with the past.

There are no contraindications.



Frankincense is a good general stimulator. High immune stimulant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, sedative are some of its qualities. Used for skin care, respiratory problems, immune system, and nervous system. Among physical properties, frankincense is known to open up the ‘third eye’ and has the ability to slow down the breath which is conducive to prayer and meditation. It is adaptogenic – it will adapt to a person’s spiritual state of being and induce feelings of encouragement and bring peace of mind.



Myrrh was used by the ancients as medicine to treat various ailments. It is anti-catarrhal, antiinflammatory, anti-bacterial, digestive/pulmonary stimulant. Used for athlete’s foot, eczema, arthritis, asthma, colds, mouth ulcers, sore throat, voice loss, haemorrhoids, etc. Grounding and balancing.

Contraindications: Avoid during pregnancy.


Heart of Courage

Heart of Courage is a blend of Juniper, Spikenard and Rose. These oils in combination are used to help overcome fear and give courage, confidence and build self esteem. It works on the electrical and structural alignment of the body. It also helps to ground and balance emotions, gives protection and the courage to face fear, death and change in body, mind and spirit. a



Thyme is documented to be highly anti-bacterial. It supports the immune system by attacking bacteria, fungus and virus. Used for respiratory, digestive problems, nervous debility, stress-related complaints.

Contraindications: Avoid during pregnancy. Can cause skin irritations to sensitive skin.



Oregano has an anti-bacterial action even more aggressive than thyme. It also has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. It works in conjunction with thyme to strengthen the immune system. Anti-toxic, anti-rheumatic, anti-fungal, anti-septic Used for digestive upsets, respiratory problems, aches and pains, stings, bites, mouth and throat inflammations, food flavouring agent, and a soap/ perfume fragrance component.

Contraindications: Avoid during pregnancy. Skin irritant.



Cypress improves circulation, relieves spasms and swelling, and helps heal damaged tissue. It is antibacterial, antiinfectious, and acts as a decongestant for the circulatory and lymphatic systems. It creates a feeling of security when dealing with emotions. Helps create stability and inner peace.

There are no contraindications.



Due to its high methyl salicylate content, Wintergreen is a remarkable anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. May give relief to muscle and joint discomfort, excellent for bones.

Contraindications: Can be toxic in high doses. Avoid during pregnancy.



Basil has antispasmodic properties that relax muscles. It is also anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and stimulates nerves. It clears the head, relieves intellectual fatigue and gives the mind strength and clarity.

Contraindications: Avoid during pregnancy. Can cause irritation to sensitive skin.



Peppermint has pain-killing properties. It is also anti-bacterial, working synergistically with other oils to enhance their activity to calm and strengthen the nervous and respiratory systems. Peppermint stimulates circulation and cools inflamed tissue. It awakens the senses and brings harmony to other oils.

Contraindications: To be used sparingly.



Marjoram is anti-spasmodic and helps to relax muscles. It relieves aches and pains and helps calm the respiratory system. Its calming effect on the mind and the body helps bring balance.


Aroma eaze

Aroma eaze is a blend of Basil, Peppermint, Lavender, Marjoram, and Cypress essential oils that helps relax, calm and relieve tired or aching muscles resulting from sport injuries, fatigue and stress. May also help to relieve headaches. a Ginger Pain reliever, anti-oxidant, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, stimulant, improves stomach function. Used for circulation, muscles, joints, sore throat, coughs, colic, flatulence, indigestion, loss of appetite, nausea, immune system stimulant, nervous debility, exhaustion. This warming oil awakens the inner fire of divinity and creativity

Contraindications: May cause irritation to sensitive skin.



Antiseptic, anti-viral, therapeutic effect on nervous system, stimulant, powerful expectorant, appetite regulator, diuretic, anti-septic. Used for cuts, bruises, inflammation, low blood pressure, respiratory problems, indigestion, anxiety, fatigue, nervous tension and stress related conditions. To encourage awakening, acceptance, fulfillment, encouragement, leniency, direction, clarity, balance and harmony.

Contraindications: Use in moderation. Not to be used during pregnancy or by those with epilepsy and high blood pressure.